
Showing posts from July, 2019

Tiger I am not lazy I am yoga shirt

Pulp fiction Uma Thurman I said Goddamn shirt

Chicago Bears Ain't no party like a Club Dub party shirt

The Rolling Stones Only old people know how to rock shirt

Please clarify : do you actually love this person or did you fall out of love?

Good luck!

Husky Dog Bath Soap Wash Your Paws shirt

Je Suis Un homme Simple J'Aime le Vélo Et Payer Moins D'ImPôts T-shirt

English Teacher because my Hogwarts letter new came shirt

Stormtrooper Hindsight Those Were The Droids You Were Looking For shirt

Nivṛtti is the stage in which the soul is completely filled with the real love for God.

Yes, I Had Sex And Jesus Still Loves Me Windmill shirt

I don't always listen to my Papa but when I do we always get in trouble shirt

The Rolling Stones anniversary 1962 2019 thank you for the memories shirt

Chester Bennington's parents were divorced

Area 51 is the place where the United States first researched and built stealth aircraft

Firstly, it is thought that Region 51 is the focus of research on military science technologies in the form of top secret

So many people don’t understand that there are different types of love other than romantic love because they haven’t been able to experience them.

She was fondly called by the entire community people as ‘Aathaa’ mother.

The fact that people see UFOs in the Area 51 area, may be due to military tests her

The relationship between Mufasa and Scar is merely between male lions in the same flock.

In my experience, mothers and step-mothers are rather overprotective and overbearing